A travel mindset

Writing about travel is, at its core, writing about new experiences.  I have been discovered that I can  investigate new places and write about these new experiences without traveling far.  In fact, this week I visited a place right in my own home town that I had never been to before, a beautiful spot that I had been missing out on.

Located  along the Yakima river is the Chamna Natural Preserve – a park of over 276 acres with miles of trails zig zagging their way through native plants and tunnels of trees.  Walking through the River Path trail  is like standing in the middle of a choir of birds.  It’s a perfect way to ease into the weekend.

In the late afternoon, with the sun setting low in the sky, the beams shining through the leaves and onto the river provide the perfect backdrop – a place to rest and release all the stress of the day.

If you are ever in Richland, Washington and are looking for a short hike into nature check out this park.  But there is a secret to this experience – you must follow the River Path trail  – any other path will bring you through the middle of sagebrush and you’ll wonder why I ever suggested this hike!  Follow the entrance closest to the river, then take a right at every fork on the trail.  You won’t be disappointed!

Continue reading A travel mindset

Freedom to Write

I’m not a writer.  That’s what I told myself whenever I would think about writing an article, blogging, anything like that.  And then I’d push it out of my mind and go back to my tasks, because there is always some task that needs to be done – cupcakes for a bake sale, girl scout cookie booths, sports uniforms that need to be washed.  But now I find myself in a season of life where the youngest child has just left home, I have time now to slow down, except I can’t.  It is my personality, I’m a driver, always have been.  And part of it is the fact that I’ve been running full speed ahead raising children, building a career, going to college, for 30 years – and I really don’t know how to slow down, even though I really WANT to.

Recently I came across a travel and food blog and as I browsed it I thought how amazing that life would be. Traveling to different places and experiencing different foods –  and then sharing that experience with the world.  And suddenly, I had an epiphany, there is no reason I could not write about my experiences now – just for me – because somehow, writing about it gives me permission to slow down and experience it.  That’s it – I just needed a reason to slow down – I needed to give myself permission.

And so this blog was born.  And if someone else finds benefit in reading these articles, a bonus!  But if not – it’s ok, because it has already served its intended purpose – it gave me the permission I needed to savor these experiences