My experiment with gratitude

Do a quick google search on gratitude and you will find an abundance of articles all promoting its power. Entire libraries of books have been written on the effects that gratitude can have on one’s life, and the research studies to back it up seem endless.

With all this supporting evidence why is it that I had not been making this a priority for my daily routines? I suspect it is a combination of several things, but three stand out to me as the basis for my procrastination. First, Like most everyone else, I’m busy! You know the drill – career, family, chores. Second, we humans have a tendency to focus on the negative. It is called Negative Bias – we’re hard-wired that way. And Last, honestly, I am generally skeptical of any “magic fix” that doesn’t require a ton of hard work.

Then I heard something from Tony Robbins during an interview that changed my mind. He was sharing his morning routine, how he spends 10 minutes to be grateful and prepared for the day, and he said…

“If you don’t have 10 f—ing minutes for your life, you don’t have a life,”

WOW!!! Ok – that actually made a TON of sense to me. I decided to commit a few minutes each morning and try this out as an experiment.

All I needed was a timer – a quiet spot – and a commitment to do it. My practice was this:

  • The first 3 minutes: I think of all the things I have to be grateful for. Once this ball starts rolling it is amazing how much we really have that we take for granted. A hot shower, food in the fridge, freedom.
  • The next 3 minutes: A prayer to God/the Universe/Your higher-self asking for help with one thing that day. This can be a prayer for yourself or a prayer for someone else.
  • The final 3 minutes: Set your intention for the day. What one thing do you want to accomplish.
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I started this practice 2 years ago and found it to be life-changing. Starting the day off with a focus on gratitude sets my mind in a positive state. And spending a few minutes to set my intention for the day helps me to clear out the “noise” and focus on what matters most at the moment.

You can try my routine, try the Tony Robbins 10 minute morning routine, or make up your own. What is important is to follow through with the commitment – set aside the time – and focus on the things you are grateful for. Try it for 30 days and I am certain you will also see the difference in your life.

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