Walking the Vineyard

Bring up the topic of “organic” and you’re going to find a plethora of opinions. Whether it is good for your health, the planet, or simply the moral thing to do is a question often bantered around at the local farmer’s market.

For several years I have chosen organic because I believe it is good for my health and for the environment. And right about now you’re thinking “so what does this have to do with walking a vineyard?” As it turns out, there is a Biodynamic vineyard right here in the Red Mountain AVA – Hedges Winery. Last weekend I attended an event there to learn more about the value of Biodynamic and to taste test my way through the vineyard with grapes and wines.

Teaching on Biodynamics and Wine

So what is Biodynamic? Basically it is similar to organic but extending to treat the entire unit (soil, plants, animals) as an enclosed ecosystem where everything is interconnected. And why does that matter? Because using this approach creates some fantastic wines that are not only free from unnatural additives (goodbye headaches!) but allow the full beauty of the grapes to be showcased as they were meant to be.

Crafting these wines begins in the vineyard. Since the winemaker will not be relying on additives to enhance the flavors of the wine, the care and feeding of the vines makes a huge impact.

Grapes on the cluster and in the glass

While there are plenty of wineries in Washington, there are not a lot where the wine is grown and bottled right on the estate. Being able to walk the vineyard, taste the grapes that will become this year’s vintage, and compare to previous year’s for contrast on the impact of weather and age – that is a fantastic way to spend a Saturday afternoon!

Tasting from last year’s harvest

The event closed out with a lunch prepared with ingredients from the estate’s on-premise garden and complimented by an array of wines to compare.

Hedges Winery often hosts events such as this one. If you live in Tri-Cities or are planning to visit soon, check out their events page and reserve out some time to visit them. While you are there, take some time to wander the premise as they have a beautiful property as well as an amazing garden.

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